Shree Sanatan Dharm Education Centre

Welcome to
Shree Sanatan Dharm
Education Centre

We offer  the best possible opportunities to our students to become confident, thoughtful and sensitive young people who are prepared for future challenges.

We take special care of the economically and socially weaker sections of the society through inclusive education and through outreach program.

A good school for your child

We believe in giving complete education to students in an engaging environment.

We have created an atmosphere which is stress free and conducive to learning. An activity-based child centered teaching methodology is adopted to bring home concepts clearly to students. A plethora of opportunities are provided by way of activities and competitions, both co-curricular and sports, to nurture their overall personality. We understand that we are dealing with scions of the twenty first century. Therefore, every effort is made to imbue them with twenty first century skills of critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and communication, collaboration and self-awareness.

Sports and other extra-curricular activities are encouraged here to develop the overall personality of students. Inter-house and Inter-class competitions are a regular feature which help in grooming exceptional talent. To make students understand the ethos of our Indian culture, special assemblies are organized on all important festivals.

Value education is given utmost priority through ‘Value of the Month’ and ‘Personality of the Month’ like initiatives. Learning of life skills is very important for the future citizens of the world. Therefore, Assemblies and classroom activities are organized round the session to aware students about issues like global warming, female foeticide, drug abuse, road safety and so on.

The team of our teachers is highly qualified and committed. Their unflinching devotion has made us a much sought-after institution in the city.

The school has completed twenty-two years of dedicated service to the society. The achievements and progress in all these years has been a result of perennial support and encouragement of the visionary members of our Management Committee. The cooperation we have received from parents’ fraternity is also a potent driving force.

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